The Art of Microbe Maintenance

︎ Creator:  Yujin Hwang
︎ Supervisor:  Peter Yeadon
︎ Advisors: Agi Haines & Chester Dols

This thesis project explored the creation of microbial objects and systems for a sustainable future. By using biomaterials to make the artifacts, Hwang has integrated microbes into everyday objects, so that people might abandon their fear of microorganisms that are a vital part of the environment.

“Through deep consideration of how my microbe based material could change across national and social contexts,” Hwang says, “I create accessible, attractive and friendly-looking design objects with microbes  that address people’s fear of microbial life. I strive to facilitate the intersection and interaction between people and technologies in ways that are ultimately harmonious for the well being of both.”

The ultimate goal for the project was to find design processes that could contribute to the environment, by returning designed objects to nature after they are no longer useful. One of the artifacts is a mycelium stool, while another is a portable speaker that is also made of mycelium. Both artifacts were shown at the RISD Museum in 2021.

PermaLink to the Thesis Record

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