︎ Creator: BoungJin Ty Ko
︎ Supervisors:  Jennifer Bissonnette & Peter Yeadon

Reducing utilization of non-renewable resources is a global sustainable development strategy today. The following study focuses on creating opportunity to co-create with nature, and the possibilities to re-think the paradigms of designing and creating towards more sustainable solutions that drives into the cross-fertilization of biology with art and design. Interplay between renewable resources and biomaterial generate wider vision for the changes of novel sustainable emerging strategies. Based on these following aspects, I would be creating product that is driven by the purpose of materialism that can be replaced nonrenewable resources, to lead us, the designers, with possible sustainable solutions as well.

I began conducting research by finding the problems with the existing product, seeking for possibilities of changes that can be made by replacing non-renewable resources into bio-based resources. Then I looked carefully to winery. In the process of making wine produces high amounts of waste, including pomace, organic acids, yeasts, etc. Which then gave me an idea of utilizing waste into a product or packaging. I questioned myself, what if the bottle/ packaging made with ingredient or components that also used in making wine? Creating wine bottle using wine related materials may not only create more value to the product itself but creates opportunity of reducing waste produced and adapt the idea of cross fertilization of biology with design.

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Rhode Island School of Design | 2 College Street | Providence, RI 02903